Fall cattle and sheep fasted five kinds of forage

Dew-grass began to cool in autumn, and dew drops often appeared on the leaves of grass in the early morning and early evening. Cows and sheep eat this kind of grass will cause rumen bloat disease.

The soft skin on the corn on the cob is because the soft skin of the corn stick is sweet and the sheep and sheep like to eat, but it contains a lot of crude fiber, and the toughness is particularly strong. It is not suitable for chewing and digestion. It causes accumulation in the valve and causes blockage. It will ferment for a long time. , corruption, gas production, and produce a large number of toxic substances, leading to death of the body's acidosis.

Harvested sorghum and corn seedlings contain large amounts of hydrocyanic acid in sorghum and corn seedlings after harvest in the fall. Hydrocyanic acid is a highly toxic substance that is easily poisoned by cattle and sheep.

Frost hit the leaves and stems of ramie. In the autumn season, the ramie leaves and stems that are hit with frost contain a toxin known as ricinine, which is easily poisoned after eating.

Semi-dry semi-humid sweet potato cattle and sheep are heavily fed and are prone to intestinal obstruction. Because the sweet potatoes are harvested, their cockroaches have already aged, and the crude fibers in the cocoon increase. After a few days of sunlight, the crude fibers become more flexible and flexible. After the cattle and sheep feed, these are flexible and not easy. Broken crude fibers entangled in the intestine. If the disease is not diagnosed and treated in time, it can easily cause death.

In Natural Juice

Canned Fruit Cocktail In Natural Fruit Juice, with yellow peach, pear, Imported Pineapple and cherry halves mixed in Fruit Juice.

Natural Juice Added Cherry Mixed Fruit is natural, healthy and delicous. The yellow peaches are picked from Fomdas own orchards, and pears are purchased from qualified suppliers, they are naturally grown and sun-ripened.

Cherry Mixed Fruits In Juice

Cherry Mixed Fruits In Juice is gluten free, Non-GMO and no preservatives added. It is a good source of vitamins with low calories, and it's also a perfect snack for kids and adults.

Fomdas Juce Pack Canned Mixed Fruits are shelf-stable and easy-portable, with it, you can enjoy good flavors of different kinds of fruits at anytime and anywhere.

Canned Mix Fruits in Juice, Fruit Mix in Pear Juice, Canned Fruit Cocktail in Natural Fruit Juice, Cherry Mixed Fruits in Juice, Juice Pack Canned Mixed Fruits

ZHEJIANG FOMDAS FOODS CO., LTD. , https://www.fomdasfoods.com