There is no single type of food that can act alone as an anti-cancer agent, but the effect of matching them together is completely different. When dining, weigh the good mix, at least 2/3 of the plant food, up to 1/3 animal protein. According to the American Cancer Institute, this "new generation of U.S. diet" has great significance in fighting cancer. In order to make a good or bad judgment for your choice.
Anti-cancer with colorful colors
Vegetables and fruits are rich in anti-cancer substances, and the brighter the colors, the richer the nutrients. These foods help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight, but also quickly reduce your risk of cancer. Being overweight can increase the risk of multiple cancers, including colon, esophageal, and kidney cancers. For a healthy life, aim at at least five servings of such food every day.
Anti-cancer food in breakfast
Folic acid is an important B vitamin that can prevent colon cancer, rectal cancer, and breast cancer. You can find it on a hearty breakfast table. Fortified breakfast cereals and whole wheat flour products are a good source of folic acid. Orange juice, lemon, and strawberry are also rich in folic acid.
More folic acid foods
Other good sources of folic acid include asparagus and eggs. At the same time you can also get it in chicken gizzards, beans, sunflower seeds and green leafy vegetables (spinach, romaine lettuce). According to the American Cancer Society, the best way to obtain folic acid is not to use pills, but to increase the intake of fruit and vegetables and fortified cereal products in the usual diet.
Reject deli
Occasionally, a little Rubin sandwich or hot dog will not hurt you. However, reducing the intake of processed meat products (such as sausages, ham, and hot dogs) can help you reduce the risk of colorectal cancer and gastric cancer. At the same time, the potential carcinogens in smoked and cured meat products will increase the risk of cancer.
Anti-cancer tomato
It is unclear whether the tomato coloring agent, lycopene, or some other substance can act as an anti-cancer agent, but some studies have confirmed that tomato consumption can reduce the risk of multiple cancers including prostate cancer. The study also showed that tomato processed products such as juice and ketchup can also increase the potential of cancer resistance.
The anti-cancer potential of tea
Although there is not enough evidence to prove the efficacy of tea in this area, it is still recognized as a drink with potent anti-cancer effects, especially green tea. Laboratory studies have shown that green tea can prevent and slow the growth of esophageal, liver, breast and prostate cancer cells. There are other long-term studies that show that tea is associated with lower rates of bladder cancer, gastric cancer, and pancreatic cancer.
Grapes and Cancer
Grape or grape juice, especially purple or red grapes, is rich in resveratrol. Resveratrol has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Laboratory research shows that it can block the processes that make cancer cells cancerous. However, there is not enough evidence to prove that eating grapes or drinking grape juice can prevent or even treat cancer.
Water or other beverages can also play a protective role
Water can not only be used to quench your thirst, it can also protect you from bladder cancer. It protects by diluting potential carcinogens in the bladder. Drinking more fluid at the same time can increase your urine output, which reduces the contact time of carcinogens with the bladder lining and also protects.