Kiwi Pest Management Program in Early Spring

Kiwifruit diseases, pests and climatic conditions are related, especially diseases. Many rains after spring will aggravate the occurrence of diseases. The main diseases in the spring are gray mold, flower rot, and canker. The main pests are crickets and beetles.

The symptoms of Botrytis cinerea: the spores and mycelia of the pathogen are on the back of the leaves, and the frontal leaves are browned and scorched; from the tip of the leaves, the diseased part shows an inverted "V" shape. Control methods: 1. Do agricultural control, remove diseased bodies in time, such as dead branches, fallen leaves, diseased leaves, diseased fruits, etc. to reduce the source of infection; strengthen fertilizer and water management and improve plant resistance. Chemical control, after budding, use Shijiale 800 times + Antai 600 times, quick gram 1000 times, Keze 2000 times, 7 to 10 days and then spray 1 time, pay attention to rotation medication.

Symptoms of ulcer disease: At the beginning of the disease, white pus water emerges from the body's buds, trunk wounds, etc., and it turns to rust red in about a week. The leaves showed irregular brown spots between the veins, and the branches of the diseased leaves developed wilting. Preventive methods: According to the occurrence of disease rules and disease conditions in advance prevention; recommend the use of 120 guards (kiwifruit dedicated) to improve kiwifruit immunity and disease resistance; pay attention to pruning tools disinfection, prevention of human transmission; prevention of sucking mouthpart pest transmission.

Symptoms of flower rot: The disease is mainly responsible for flower buds and flowers. The infected petals turn orange, brown later and start to rot, causing flowering and budding. The risk of female flowers is higher than that of male flowers. Control methods: timely sparse buds and sparse flowers; attention should be paid to the canopy's permeability and ventilation during pruning; prevention should be done in advance according to the disease occurrence and disease conditions.

The main pests in the spring of the main insect pests are crickets and beetles, and different insect pests occur in different regions.

Prevention methods: Agricultural control, fall and winter can turn the wintering larvae to the surface to make it air-dried, frozen to death or predation by natural enemies; at the same time, should prevent the use of unripe organic fertilizer, in order to prevent recruitment of adults to lay eggs; pharmaceutical treatment, spring, The use of high-performance cypermethrin (such as poison arrows) to water, kill larvae in the soil, reduce the number of beetles; physical methods, you can set black light traps to kill beetles, reduce the number of occurrence of earthworms.

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