A cancer "vaccine" can cure 97% of mice and will be tested for the first time at the end of the year.
April 03, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily
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According to a recent report by the US Fun Science website, a new cancer "vaccine" that can cure 97% of tumors in mice will be tested for the first time at the end of this year. But experts say that it may take time for human cancer patients to get such drugs.
Scientists at Stanford University report that in a study of 90 mice with cancers such as lymphoma, breast cancer and colon cancer, the new treatment eliminated 87 mice even if the tumor had spread to other parts of the body. Cancer tumors (healing rate of 97%). They will test this therapy on 35 lymphoma patients by the end of this year.
The researchers say that, strictly speaking, the new treatment is not a vaccine, but involves a similar vaccination step. The therapy, called immunotherapy, contains two drugs that stimulate immune cell T cells and induce them to attack cancer cells. In animal experiments, injecting a drug into a tumor eliminates tumors in other parts of the body—because active T cells migrate to other parts of the body, destroying the spread of the tumor, and this treatment can be prevented in many cases. The emergence of future tumors.
Immunotherapy is not new, and several immunotherapies have been approved for the treatment of cancer. For example, CAR-T cell therapies, recently approved for the treatment of certain leukemias and lymphomas, genetically engineer these cells to fight cancer by extracting certain immune cells from the patient's body. But the researchers say that one of the advantages of the new treatment compared to CAR-T cell therapy is that it does not require genetic modification of the patient's immune cells.
Dr. Alice Polis of the Zhaohao Health Cancer Research Center did not participate in the study. She believes that human testing of this therapy is “excitingâ€, but achieving good results in animal testing does not mean The same is true in humans.
She said: "We have been able to cure many cancers in mice. This year's human trials are for lymphoma. It may take years to find out if this treatment is suitable for breast cancer, colon cancer and other cancers. There is currently no immunotherapy."
The new trial is a phase I study in which it only tests the safety of the treatment and does not involve effectiveness. (Reporter Liu Xia)
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