Apple pomace is a by-product of apple processing plants. China is the world's largest apple producer. In 2002, the annual output of apple was 25.5 million tons, accounting for more than 40% of the total world production. It can produce more than 3 million tons of apple dregs, and the total output of apple dregs is considerable. The moisture content of fresh apple dregs is between 70% and 80%, and it is highly susceptible to spoilage and deterioration, which both pollutes the environment and causes waste. In order to make full use of this huge resource. In order to effectively solve this problem, under the support of the national "863" project fund, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences adopted a combination of modern biotechnology and nutritional balance theory to develop a fruit slag fermentation through the role of probiotics and enhanced nutritional balance. Feed makes apple pomace a functional feed product for increasing milk and increasing weight. This technology was approved by Ministry of Agriculture in June 2003 and reached the international advanced level. The successful development of this technology will not only turn apple pomace waste into treasure, protect the environment, but also provide high-quality feed for the fast-growing herbivorous animal husbandry industry, and ultimately will promote the sustained and healthy development of the fruit industry and animal husbandry. At the same time, the successful development of apple fermentation feed has great economic and social benefits for increasing the safety of livestock and poultry products and improving people's health. First, the development of fruit residue fermented feed technology 1. Use of advanced fermentation technology Based on the characteristics of the apple dregs, the use of microbial fermentation engineering, mainly from yeast and Bacillus natto and other probiotics for screening of a variety of bacteria, The final selection of composite Saccharomyces cerevisiae was inoculated into apple dregs to regulate the nutrients, temperature, humidity, pH and other conditions required by the microorganisms. The fermentation process was completed in 30 h; the anti-nutritional factors in the apple dregs were eliminated or reduced during the fermentation process. And pesticide residues, while improving the digestibility of acidic and neutral detergent fibers, and increasing the bioactive substances such as proteins, amino acids, peptides, vitamins, enzymes, nucleotides, organic acids, and unknown growth factors. Fermentation features yeast cultures and probiotics. See Table 1 for the nutrient composition of ordinary dried apple pomace and fermented apple pomace. 2. Nutritional Balance of Fermentation Product Apple dregs contains a variety of bioactive substances after microbial fermentation, but there is an imbalance in the content of nutrients. Based on the principle of nutrient balance, we have developed a balanced formulation of nutrients that is compatible with the fermentation product, which is intensified into fermented apple pomace, and finally reaches the active ingredients of existing microorganisms and their metabolites, and the conventional nutrients and micronutrients are also balanced. effect. 3. The specific process of drying apple pomace moisture content of more than 80%, after microbial fermentation, still contains high moisture. Since apple pomace contains pectin and other substances, it takes more than 3 days to naturally dry or air dry. For this reason, the research group specially researched and proposed the mechanical drying process design, which can dry the wet apple pomace in 60 minutes. Dried apple pomace with a water content of 14% or less. 4. Biologic evaluation of fermented feed of Pomace residue After biological evaluation, the ruminal degradation characteristics of nutritive substances such as crude protein, organic matter, NDF and ADF of fermented feed of fruit residue were obtained (see Table 1). After the apple dregs were fermented by microorganisms, the contents of NDF, ADF, total sugar and reducing sugar all decreased. This indicates that in the process of microbial fermentation of apple pomace, under the action of microorganisms, carbohydrates or carbohydrates are converted into organic acids such as malic acid and succinic acid, while ruminants have the ability to make full use of organic acids and can use volatile substances. Fatty acids synthesize body tissues or products. Table 1 Drying of apple dregs and fermented pomace nutrient content and ruminal degradability (%) Dried apple nutritious components Fermented apple pomace Nutrient components Dried pomace Rumen degradability Fermented pomace Ruminal degradability Dry matter/(DM) 92.18 90.36 78.77 78.22 Crude protein/(CP) 5.82 15.27 50.23 65.22 Crude fat/(EE) 2.49 3.11 50.23 42.67 Neutral detergent fiber/(NDF) 76.58 63.12 78.95 79.78 Acid detersive fiber/(ADF) 59.15 52.07 78.67 79.89 Total sugar 45.68 41.36 Reducing Sugar 2.29 0.48 Calcium 0.61 0.82 Phosphorus 0.1 0.21 After drying the fruit slag and fermented fruit slag for 24 h in the rumen, there was no significant difference in the degradation rate of dry matter and organic matter, but the degradation rate of the crude protein of the fermented pomace in the rumen Obviously higher than dried pomace, the degradation rate of fat is significantly lower than that of dried pomace. It can be seen that fermentation reduces the degradation rate of fat in pomace in the rumen, which is beneficial to the absorption of nutrients by animals in the hindgut. use. The ruminal degradability of NDF and ADF in dried pomace and fermented pomace was very high, indicating that carbohydrates in pomace are highly digestible in the rumen and cellulose and hemicellulose can be effectively used by ruminant animals. . Second, the role of apple fermented feed features 1. Effectively improve the nutritional characteristics of apple dregs apple juice after the apple dregs contains a lot of acidic substances (malic acid), phenolic substances (tannins), pectin substances and sugar substances In addition, direct feeding of dairy cows can easily cause excessive acidity in the rumen, causing disturbances in the rumen microbes. After the fermentation of fruit residue fermented by beneficial microorganisms, the nutritional characteristics of the apple dregs were effectively improved, which provided the material basis for the increase of production of dairy cows. If organic acids are converted to volatile fatty acids, reducing the raw sugar content, destroying the anti-nutritional properties of polyphenols, and increasing the rumen degradability of cellulose and hemicellulose. 2. Increase the milk production of dairy cows The addition of nitrogenous substances and nutrient balance agents in apple dregs has balanced the nutrient content and content of fermented apple aphid and increased many biologically active substances such as proteins, amino acids, peptides, Vitamins, enzymes, organic acids, and unknown growth factors make the crystals contain certain features of probiotics. The apple pomace after fermentation is rich in microbiological products, such as yeast, which has a rapid proliferation rate, high levels of bacterial proteins, amino acids, etc., and yeast protein fermentation can increase the protein content of apple pomace to some extent; yeast secretion Polypeptides stimulate the proliferation of many rumen microbes (including cell-decomposing bacteria). The various substances such as alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, acids, and esters produced by the fermentation of apple pomace have aroma, and the addition of a nutrient balance agent after fermentation increases the palatability of the fermented feed of pomace and enhances the animal feed intake. The role of quantity. Active substances such as probiotics and probiotic fermentation cultures contained in the fermented feed of pomace enter the rumen and act synergistically with the rumen microorganisms to adjust the entire rumen microbial flora, increase the utilization of feed by the rumen microorganisms, and increase the rumen microbial protein The yield. 3. Prevention of Diseases in Dairy Cows Apple ferments contain active and inactive beneficial microorganisms. These substances can provide probiotics to rumen microorganisms. They can improve the living environment of rumen microbes, regulate the growth and reproduction of microbes, and make whole rumen microorganisms A normal and rapid development condition ensures the health of the rumen microorganisms and thus ensures the health of the animals' bodies. Apple's fermented material is rich in vitamins and balanced trace elements and amino acids, which provide the material conditions for the survival of microorganisms, and also provide immune substances for the animal body, and improve the animal's ability to resist stress and resistance to diseases. . Third, the application of apple dregs fermented feed effect The results of the fourth farm in Guangming dairy industry in 2001 showed that the fermented and nutrient balanced pomace was used as a functional feed in the diet of lactating cattle. Without increasing the cost of feed, the cows Daily milk production increased by an average of 1.91 kg/d, the milk fat percentage increased by 0.05% during the test period, the lactose content was basically the same, the milk protein content increased by 0.04%, and the total solids content in milk increased by 0.07%. The incidence of cows was significantly reduced during the trial. In 2002, the trial results of the dairy farm of Yongle Dian, a dairy farm of Sanyuan Green Lotus in Beijing, showed that the fruit residue was used as a feed ingredient in high-yielding dairy cattle feed, which accounted for 10% of the total feed, without increasing the cost of feed. Dairy cows produced 1.66 kg milk more than the control group, and the differences in milk fat percentage and milk protein content were not significant. More importantly, the number of somatic cells in the milk of the test group was significantly lower than that of the control group (test group, 433,000/mL; control group). 934,000/mL). As a kind of green bioactive feed, fruit residue fermented feed is rich in nutrients and probiotics and other active substances. It is a combination of modern biotechnology and nutrition theory. Its successful development not only solved the problems of the fruit factory, made the fruit slag become a treasure, eliminated the hidden danger of environmental pollution, but also adapted to the requirements of the modern animal husbandry industry, resulting in a new type of biological functional feed for the animal husbandry Development made a contribution. Therefore, the appearance of fermented fodder feed has important implications for alleviating the lack of feed resources in China and reducing environmental pollution.
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