Good cleaning technology - Dikang product application points
Soak or ultrasonic cleaning
After application will clean the dirt was immediately - do not let the dirt remaining too long on the instrument before cleaning.
Prepare the appropriate, mixed solution - too concentrated solution can not achieve a good cleaning effect, too strong and uneconomical.
Completely soaked the product to be cleaned - those parts of the product that are not soaked, the dirt will remain on the product.
Have an effective soaking time - usually need to soak for more than two hours, if the dirt is particularly serious, can be extended to 24 hours.
Heating the cleaning solution - If you want to shorten the soaking time, keep the cleaning solution at 40~50 degrees Celsius to achieve the desired cleaning effect.
Ultrasonic cleaning - Combine Dikang products with ultrasonic cleaning machine to provide a good cleaning system for Zuijia. For the amount of Dikang products in the ultrasonic cleaning tank, please ask us for detailed information.
Drying - Dry immediately after rinsing, apply a lint-free cloth or blow dry with hot air.
Test - For different dirt conditions, please grasp the concentration of the cleaning solution, the temperature of the cleaning solution, the time of the immersion, the method of rinsing, and the test will help you quickly establish the application method.
Automatic glass washer
Rinse superficial dirt - In any case, superficial dirt should be rinsed off before applying a fully automatic glass washer.
Carefully put the cleaning material - do not put too much cleaning material, leave enough cleaning space to ensure that each cleaning material can be cleaned and rinsed.
Pre-cleaning - When the dirt is acidic or acid pre-cleaned, pre-clean with alkaline cleaning solution before applying alkaline cleaning solution.
Acid Rinsing (Neutralization Reaction) - For consistent cleaning, apply an acid rinse (neutralization reaction) on your instrument, especially in hard water areas.
Establish accurate volume of detergent and acid neutralizer - please refer to the application manual of the automatic glass washer. The amount of detergent is proportional to a circulating water of the automatic glass washer.
Make sure the exact amount - check your washing machine instructions, too little detergent and neutralizer to achieve the desired cleaning effect, too much and uneconomical.
Make sure that the instrument rinsing process is fully functional - the entire rinsing process is important throughout the cleaning process. Please maintain your instrument properly and ensure that each program is working properly.
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