Milestone research to identify key mechanisms of melanoma metastasis
August 25, 2016 Source: Bio Valley
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Although many studies in the past have developed various methods for treating melanoma, no drugs have been developed that can completely cure this deadly disease. And this new study proposes new and effective methods for diagnosing and preventing this most deadly skin cancer.
In this study, the researchers first examined the pathological features of tissue samples from melanoma patients, Dr. Levy said: "We observed melanoma samples at an early stage prior to invasion and found morphological changes in the dermis. Some changes have taken place, and this phenomenon has never been reported before. Our next task is to find out what these changes are and how they relate to the metastasis of melanoma."
According to the researchers, scientists have long known that melanoma occurs in the epidermal layer of the skin and cannot be transferred in the early stages of formation due to inaccessibility to vascular cancer cells. Because there are no blood vessels in the epidermis, cancer cells first need to access the rich blood vessels through the dermis.
"We found that melanoma cells have released tiny vesicles containing microRNA molecules before invading the dermis," Dr. Levy said. "The microRNA molecules in these tiny vesicles are capable of inducing morphological changes in the dermis, ready to receive and transport cancer cells. Thus blocking these vesicles may prevent the disease from developing."
Turn melanoma into a disease that is not threatening
After discovering this mechanism, researchers continue to look for drug candidates that can intervene and block this process at the earliest stages of the disease. After screening, they found two compounds with this effect, one of which inhibits the transport of vesicles from melanoma to the dermis, and the other that prevents morphological changes in the dermis, even if the vesicles have reached the dermis. Both compounds have been successfully tested in the laboratory and are expected to be candidates for future drugs. In addition, the morphological changes in the dermis, together with the vesicle itself, can serve as a powerful marker for early diagnosis of melanoma.
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