Music therapy for the treatment of autism is questioned
August 11, 2017 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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To assess the role of music therapy, Christian Gold, of the Center for Music Therapy at the Grieg Institute in Norway, studied 384 children with autism from Australia, Austria, Brazil, South Korea, the United States and the United Kingdom. Countries between the ages of 4 and 7 years old.
The children were randomized into two groups, one receiving an enhanced standard of care and the other receiving an enhanced standard therapy plus improvisational music therapy. Enhanced standard therapy refers to the general treatment available locally and counseling to parents; in improvisational music therapy, trained music therapists sing or play music with each child. Adjust to suit the child's focus, with the aim of promoting the development of children's social skills.
The researchers found that after 5 months of treatment, the two groups had only a small improvement in their condition. The indicators of the impact on social ability showed that there was no significant difference in the severity of symptoms of autism between the two groups of children.
Gold et al. concluded that "this result does not support the use of impromptu music therapy to alleviate the symptoms of autistic children."
In the same period, the Journal of the American Medical Association distributed a review article written by Sarabes Brod-Fingert and others of Boston University, pointing out that this result is exactly the opposite of the previous comprehensive analysis. There is ample evidence that music therapy may improve the main symptoms of autism, including social interactions, nonverbal communication, and parent-child relationships.
This review article reads: “Now is it time to abandon autism music therapy? Or is it going to invest in a more controlled environment with a carefully selected population for further research? This is a face in front of autism research and patients. Question." (Reporter Lin Xiaochun)
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