The UV weathering test equipment is a photo-aging test device that simulates light, which mainly simulates ultraviolet light in sunlight. It also reproduces the damage caused by rain and dew. The equipment is tested by exposing the material to be tested to a controlled cycle of sunlight and moisture while increasing the temperature. The device uses UV fluorescent light to simulate sunlight, while also condensing or spraying to simulate moisture effects.
In just a few days or weeks, the device can reproduce the damage that can take months or years to go outdoors. The damage mainly includes discoloration, discoloration, decreased brightness, chalking, cracking, blurring, embrittlement, strength reduction and oxidation. The test data provided by the equipment is of great help in the selection of new materials, the improvement of existing materials or the evaluation of changes in the composition of the product's durability. The device is an excellent predictor of changes that the product will encounter outdoors.
 Although ultraviolet light ( UV ) accounts for only 5 % of sunlight , it is the main lighting factor that causes the durability of outdoor products to decline. This is because the photochemical reaction effect of sunlight increases as the wavelength decreases. Therefore, it is not necessary to reproduce the entire sunlight spectrum when simulating the damaging effects of sunlight on the physical properties of the material. In most cases, you only need to simulate short-wave UV light. The reason why UV- light accelerated weathering testers use UV lamps is that they are more stable than other lamps and can better reproduce test results. The use of fluorescent UV lamps to simulate the effects of sunlight on physical properties, such as brightness reduction, cracking, spalling, etc., is a good method. There are several different UV lamps to choose from. Most of these UV lamps produce primarily UV light, not visible light and infrared light. The main difference in lamps is the difference in the total UV energy they produce in their respective wavelength ranges . Different lights will produce different test results. The actual exposure application environment can indicate which type of UV lamp should be used .
UVA-340 , a good choice for simulating the sun's ultraviolet rays
UVA-340 is an excellent simulation of the sunlight spectrum in the critical short-wavelength range, which is a spectrum with a wavelength range of 295-360 nm . UVA-340 only produces a spectrum of UV wavelengths that can be found in sunlight .
UVB-313 for large-scale accelerated test of Zui
UVB-313 can quickly provide test results. The short-wave UV they use is more intense than the UV light waves currently found on Earth . Although these UV light, which is much shorter than the natural wavelength, can greatly accelerate the test, it also causes discrepancies and actual degradation damage to certain materials.
   The standard defines a fluorescent UV lamp that emits light energy below 300 nm below 2 % of the total output light energy , commonly referred to as a UV-A lamp; a fluorescent UV lamp that emits light energy below 300 nm greater than 10 % of the total output light energy. , commonly referred to as UV-B lamp; UV-differentiated UV-A wavelength range is 315-400nm ; UV-B wavelength range is 280-315nm ;
 Outdoor materials can be exposed to moisture for up to 12 hours a day, and the results suggest that the main cause of this outdoor humidity is dew, not rain. The UV-Accelerated Weathering Tester simulates the effects of outdoor moisture through a unique set of condensation principles. In the condensing cycle of the equipment, there is a water storage tank at the bottom of the tank and is heated to generate moisture. The hot steam maintains the relative humidity in the test chamber at 100 % and maintains a relatively high temperature. The design of the product ensures that the test piece actually constitutes the side wall of the test chamber, so that the back side of the test piece is exposed to the indoor ambient air. The cooling effect of the indoor air causes the surface temperature of the test piece to drop to a level several degrees below the steam temperature. The occurrence of this temperature difference causes the test piece to always have liquid water formed by condensation during the entire condensation cycle. This condensation product is very stable pure distilled water. This pure water increases the reproducibility of the test while avoiding water staining problems.
 Since the exposure time to outdoor exposure can be as long as 12 hours per day , the humidity cycle of the UV accelerated weathering tester generally lasts for several hours. We recommend that each condensation cycle lasts at least 4 hours. It is noted that UV exposure and condensation exposure in the equipment are performed separately, consistent with actual climatic conditions.
 For some applications, water spray can better simulate the environmental conditions used by Zui. Water spray is extremely useful in simulating mechanical erosion due to temperature drastic changes and scouring due to rain. The UV-Accelerated Weathering Tester / Spray type is specifically designed to reproduce this condition.
Due to the frequent scouring from rain, the coating layer of wood, including paints and colorants, will show signs of erosion. Recent research structures have shown that this rain wash action can wash away the coating layer with anti-degradation on the surface of the material, thereby directly exposing the material itself to the damaging effects of UV and moisture. This process can be repeated multiple times, resulting in a material degradation phenomenon that cannot be reproduced by condensation alone.
The advantages of fluorescent lamps are: quick access to test results; simplified illuminance control; stable spectrum; low maintenance required; low cost and reasonable operating costs.
 There is only a small part of the land on the earth, and most of the land is ocean. Therefore, the marine climate is a climate environment that has a great impact on human life and material products.
This is a Cognitive Rehabilitation Equipment, by turning the boring learning content into interesting forms like games, animation, pronunciation, etc., children can unknowingly learn knowledge and exercise their skills
Cognitive communication training system including intelligence, AAC auxiliary communication training board, qi hui cognitive training system and speech training card induced by the lead of others, and education, and adopt comprehensive rehabilitation method, let the children actively training, through vivid and interesting game and practice, so as to stimulate a interest, improve the ability of attention, participation, improve the learning efficiency, so as to achieve the goal of training the cognitive function. It is a set of intellectual development software for children with strong knowledge and interest. It scientifically selects a variety of exquisite and colorful pictures and animations of fruits, vegetables and animals suitable for children's observation and recognition. It is full of children's interesting stories and easy to understand children's songs.
Cognitive Rehabilitation Equipment
Speech Therapy Picture Cards,Phonetic Training Instrument,Montessori Teaching Aids,Cognitive Rehabilitation Equipment
jinan Fangqi Sunshine education consulting CO.,LTD. ,