Combraceae makes Genaceae, dicotyledonous plants, 15 genera, 480 species, distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions, China has 5 genera, 24 species, the main production of Yunnan and Guangdong, of which the more economical value has the gentleman Quisqualisindica L, used as medicine. An effective insect repellent, Chicken Terminaliahainanensis Exell is a valuable wood and is one of the main materials used in Hainan. Woody vines to Joe and leaves alternate or opposite; flowers bisexual, sparsely unisexual, arranged in spikes, racemes, or capitate inflorescences; trichomes connate with ovary, and extend their outer city a tube, 4-5 Cleft; petals 4-5 or absent; stamens as many as 2 or as long as sepals; ovary inferior, 1-loculed, with few pendulous embryos; fruit leathery or drupelike, winged or longitudinally lobed. Agaveaceae Agaveaceae, monocotyledonous plants, about 20 genera and 67O species, mostly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions. About 2 genera and 6 species are native to China, and 4 species are introduced into the southern part of the country. There are about 10 species. In addition to viewing, some are important fiber plants such as Agave. Plants with rhizomes; stems short or very developed; leaves often connate at base of stem, narrow, usually thick or fleshy, margin entire or spiny; flowers bisexual or unisexual, actinomorphic or slightly symmetric, racemes or conic Inflorescences arranged in branches to support bracts; perianth tube short or long, lobes nearly equal or unequal; stamens 6, inserted on tube or base of lobes, filaments to thick, dissected, anther linear , carrying; ovary upper or lower, 3 rooms, each set of ovules to more than 1; fruit is a berry or pod. Undergraduate species in the Engler system are placed in the Liliaceae, one is placed in the Amaryllidaceae, which are characterized by sexual hi dry, leaf-shaped, with fibers, often aggregated at the base or top of the stem, flower often Rows of great panicles. Compositae Asteraceae, dicotyledonous plants, about 1,000 genera, 25000-30000 species; widespread in the world, mainly in temperate regions, China has 23O genera, more than 2300 species, all are produced, some for viewing, some for medicine, some for Food, there are rubber production. Herbs erect or creeping, or woody vines or shrubs, thinly arborous; leaves often alternate, opposite or whorled, leafy, compound, entire, dentate, or divided: flowers bisexual or unisexual, ligulate Or tubular corolla, densely integrated with heads, head-shaped inflorescences with all camp-like flowers, all with ray flowers, central with amphoteric or asexual tubular flowers (disc flowers), surrounded by female or asexual ray flowers (radio flowers) or female tubular flowers, surrounded by a total sepal with 1 to multiple layers, solitary or arranged in cymes, racemes, spikes, corymbs, or panicles; inflorescences convex, Flat or cylindrical, smooth or with numerous sockets, bare or covered by a variety of tabs; stamens 4-5, anthers together to create a tube, extremely thinly free, base or blunt, filaments separated; ovary lower , 1 chamber, with 1 ovule, style divided into 2 branches, the inside of the branch with a stigmatic surface, the top has a variety of appendages; fruit for the fruit (Cypsela), commonly known as achene, the top crown with rough hair, scales, thorn awn Crowned hairs. Dipterocarpaceae Dipterocarpaceae, dicotyledonous plants, 15 genera, 580 species, distributed in the tropical region of the Eastern Hemisphere, the main origin of India, Malaysia, China has 4 genera, 8 species, production in Yunnan, South Guangdong and Guangxi, wood is very useful. Trees, often stellate or peltate scales, with resin; leaves alternate, simple, stipules; flowers bisexual, actinomorphic, arranged in axillary panicles; tube short or long, lobes 5, on Results often expanded into wings; petals 5; stamens usually numerous, connective septate extension; ovary superior, 3-loculed, with 2 ovules per locule; fruit a nut with a subtended inclusion in the calyx, some sepals expanded into wings . Fagaceae Fagaceae, dicotyledonous plants, 8 genera, about 900 species, mostly producing temperate and subtropical regions of the northern hemisphere. There are 5 genera in China, about 279 species, almost all over the country, most species of wood are valuable Some kinds of fruit are edible, and some species of bark and shell contain tannins, which are used as dyes or dip materials, and some of them are used as feed for the silkworm, which is one of the major afforestation tree species in China. Trees or shrubs; leaves alternate, simple, entire or dissected; stipules caducous; flowers unisexual; male flowers form catkins or jacanas or capitate inflorescences; tepals 4-8-lobed; stamens 4 -20, female flowers solitary or clustered; perianth 4-8 cleft; ovary subordinate, 3-7-loculed, ovules 1 - 2 in each cell, styles 3-7; fruit a nut of a child, how many In a thorny or scaly forest or in a total cullinium. China has: Castanea, Castanopsis, Fagus, Litho-carpus, Quercus 5 genera. Annonaceae Annonaceae, dicotyledonous plants, about 120 genera, 2100 species, widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, especially in the eastern hemisphere, China has 24 genera, 103 species, 6 varieties, distributed in the southwest to Taiwan, Most of them are located in South China, and a few are located in East China. Some fruits are edible, some are useful for wood, and some flowers can be used for aromatic oils such as Ylang Ylang, Eagle Claw Flower, Gualouwood Flower Oil, etc. Trees or shrubs, sometimes climberlike; leaves alternate, simple, entire; flowers bisexual, sparsely unisexual, actinomorphic, sepals often resembling petals; sepals 3; petals usually 6, 2 rows, dilute 3 or 4; stamens Mostly, spirally arranged, with 1 or more carpels, free, with few connates; mature carpels free, a few connate to form a succulent polymeric berry; seeds usually have arils. The main genera of our country are: Alphonsea, Artabotrys, Dasymaschalon, Fissistigma, Gonicthalamus, Miliusa, Mitrephora, Orophea, Polyathia, Uvaria and others. Mimosaceae mimosa family, dicotyledonous plants, it was also placed in the legume family as a subfamily, about 56 genera, 28O0 species, producing tropical, subtropical and temperate regions around the world, China has even introduced the cultivation of 17 genera, about 63 species, mainly produced in the south and southwest. Trees or shrubs, rarely herbaceous; leaves two-pinnately compound, rarely pinnately compound, often with glands on petioles and leaf shafts; flowers small, bisexual or heterozygous, radiatively symmetric, lining Inflorescences, racemes, or heads; calyx tube, 5-toothed, lobes valvate, rarely imbricate; petal constellation arranged, segregating or connate into a short tube; stamens often numerous or Corolla lobes, either equal or multiple, segregate or synthesize a tube; ovary superior; fruit a capsule. China has: Acacia, Adenathea, Albizia, Mimosa, Entada, Pithecellobium and other genera. Nyssaceae is a family of blue fruit trees and dicots, 3 genera, about 12 species, distributed in North America and Asia. There are 3 genera and 8 species in China. Except for ornamental gardens, wood is available. Camptotheca acuminata contains alkaloids and can fight cancer. Deciduous trees; leaves alternate, single leaves, entire or dentate, no stipules; flowers bisexual or unisexual, arranged in a terminal or axillary head inflorescence or cymbal in umbrella or umbrella shape; Petals 5 or more or absent; stamens 5-10 or more; ovary inferior, 1-6 to 10-celled, with 1 ovule per decahedral; stone fruit or Samara. China has: camptotheca, Davidia; Nyssa3 genus. Podocarpaceae Podocarpaceae, gymnosperm, about 7 genera, more than 130 species, located in the tropical, subtropical and southern temperate regions, especially in the southern hemisphere is the most prosperous, China has 2 genera and 14 species, producing the provinces and regions south of the Yangtze River. Evergreen trees or shrubs; leaves alternate or sometimes connate, apices or squamous to linear form broadly oblong; unisexual or congenic plants of bulbs; terminal or axillary flowers of male cones, scales or lacunae at base; Stamens numerous, anthers 2-locular; female flowers axillary or axillary, with many or several bracts (megaspores), usually without ovules in lower bracts, saccate 1 or several bracts at the top Or cup-shaped bead set, there is an ovule, the bead set and the bead are combined or free, the flower bead set thickens into a fake seed coat, the sepal develops into a thick fleshy seedling or not; the seed is mature in the same year. Drupe-like or nut-shaped, wholly or partly fleshy or thin aril coated, born on succulent or non-fleshed seedlings. Verbnaceae Verbenaceae, dicotyledonous plants, 75 genera, 300O species, distributed in tropical and subtropical regions, China has ZO genera, 174 species, are distributed throughout, the main producing areas are all over the Yangtze River, some for medicinal or ornamental use , few materials used. Shrubs or trees, rare herbaceous; leaves opposite, dilute or opposite, single or compound leaves; flowers bisexual, bilaterally symmetric, rarely actinomorphic, often oblique or 2-lipped, in various arrangements; 4-5 cleft, rarely 6-8-lobed; corolla lobes, 4--5-lobed, lobes imbricate; stamens 4, 2 2 short, with 5 or 2 rarely, inserted on corolla; disk set Ovary superior, consisting of 2(4-5) carpels, 2- or 4-fid, 2-5-loculed, but with a pseudo-septum forming 4-10 chambers with 1 ovule per chamber, or sometimes 1 chamber Fruit is a stone fruit or berry, often divided into several children. The main genera of our country are: Callicarpa, Caryopteris, Cleroddendron, Gmelina, Premna, Vitex and so on. Taxodiaceae is a gymnosperm of 10 families and 10 genera. It is widely distributed in the north temperate and subtropical regions. There are 9 genera and 14 species in China, which are mainly distributed in the regions along the Yangtze River in the west of Sichuan, including Sugi and Liu. Sugi, Metasequoia, and Taiwan fir are all valuable materials, especially fir, which is widely cultivated and grows rapidly. It is the main tree species in the south, and the cork is a dike plant. The root tree can be used as a cork and a summer hat. It is used to make wooden ties. Evergreen or deciduous trees; leaf blade apically, scaly or linear, spirally arranged or alternately opposite (metazaceae); bulbous unisexual, strained, bulbous, terminal or axillary, sometimes evacuated paniclelike, Consisting of numerous spirally arranged or interacting stamens, each stamens have anthers (2-) 3-4(-9), pollen without airbags; female ball flowers terminal, most spirally arranged or interacting The raw bead scales (macrospore leaves) are composed of axillary scales, the two are connate or connate, or the scales of the acarus are degraded. There are 2-9 ovules in each bead scale; the cones are woody or leathery, and the bead scales are developed into species. Scales, thickened at the top; seeds small, often winged; cotyledons 2-9.
Pain Relief Patch for neck shoulder, lower back and leg.
[Name] Medical Cold Patch
[Package Dimension] 10cm×12cm 2pieces/box
The pain relief patch is composed of three layers, namely, backing lining, middle gel and protective film. It is free from pharmacological, immunological or metabolic ingredients.
[Scope of Application] For cold physiotherapy, closed soft tissue only.
The patches give fast acting pain relief for strains, sprains, cramp, bruises, swollen areas or joint stiffness.
[How To Use a Patch]
Tear off the packaging bag and remove the patch. Remove the protective film and apply the patch on the skin. One piece, one time. The curing effect of each piece can last for 8-12 hours.
Do not apply the patch on the problematic skin, such as wounds, eczema, dermatitis,or in the eyes. People allergic to herbs and the pregnant are advised not to use the medication. If swelling or irritation occurs, please stop using and if any of these effects persist or worsen.notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Children using the patch must be supervised by adults.
[Storage Conditions]
Store below 30c in a dry place away from heat and direct sunlight.
Pain Relief Patch For Neck Shoulder,Lower Back And Leg
Pain Relief Patch,Pain Relief Pad,Pain Relief Plaster,Neck Pain Relief Patch,Back Pain Relief Pacth
Shandong XiJieYiTong International Trade Co.,Ltd. ,