Safe chicken six inspection

In severe winter weather, chicken farms should intensify the inspection of chicken houses.

1. Check for harmful gases. The most harmful gas in the house is ammonia gas and hydrogen sulfide. When entering the house, the smell of ammonia can smell the ammonia gas in the house has exceeded the standard.

2. Check the temperature. Check the temperature on the thermometer and the actual required temperature is consistent, if the temperature difference is too large, we must immediately take insulation measures, such as the shed plus insulation.

3. Check ventilation. In winter people tend to notice only warmth and neglect ventilation. If chickens are found to be disease-free and breathless, the house is full of dust and smells, indicating that the air in the house is extremely dirty, and ventilation should be immediately strengthened to prevent cold winds from blowing directly onto the chicken body.

4. Check feces. Check early status of disease early detection of fecal status. In general, the feces of laying hens are soft and the feces of broilers are strips. Some diseases can cause diarrhea in chickens. For example, chickens have yellowish-white feces when they contract infectious bursal disease and infectious bronchitis; chickens have green, yellow-white watery feces when they contract Newcastle disease; bloody stools indicate that chickens have Most are infected with coccidia.

5. Check the humidity. Higher humidity favors the survival and reproduction of microorganisms. When the humidity is low, the house is dry and it is easy to induce chicken respiratory diseases.

6. Check chicken drinking and eating. The consumption of laying hens is relatively stable. If there is a significant drop in chicken consumption or if only drinking water is not eaten, it indicates that the chicken has been infected with certain diseases. It is necessary to identify the causes as soon as possible and promptly treat them.

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