The cloned cow containing human genes was born in the United States

Two cloned cows containing human DNA were born in Texas this January and named George and Charlie respectively. This marks another step toward the realization of large-scale production of medicinal milk. The method for breeding these two cows is to first transfer the human DNA to laboratory-grown bovine embryonic cells, and then use electric energy to fuse carefully selected cells with human DNA with bovine oocytes that have been removed from the nucleus, and then add them by adding Chemicals inhibit the action of enzymes, and a new, well-developed embryo is implanted into the surrogate cows one week later, and the calf is delivered normally. When George and Charlie grow up, they can produce milk containing human serum albumin, which is very helpful in treating Parkinson's syndrome and Alzheimer's disease. Each year cows produce 80 kg of protein.


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