The morphological characteristics of Longyan leaves

Morphological characteristics

Small evergreen shrubs, 10-40 cm tall; stems coarse; branches terete, 2-5 mm in diam., warty-curved, often wrinkled; glandular pubescent when young, gradually glabrous, internode short, 2-20 mm long.

Leaves usually connate on upper part of branchlets, often sag downwards, leaves nearly fleshy when fresh, nearly leathery or thick papery after drying, spatulate, obovate-oblong or ovate, sometimes oblong, 4.5 long. -16.5 centimeters, 2.5-6.3 centimeters wide, rounded or blunt at the top, slightly convex, sparsely dimpled, base cuneate or obtuse, thinly rounded, dark green above, veins gray at veins, yellowish-white when dry, usually Hairless, sometimes glandular puberulent below base, becoming glabrous later; midrib and lateral veins flattened on fresh leaves, veins both prominent on both sides of stem, lateral veins 6-9 on each side, slightly raised below; Petiole 2-5 mm long, glandular puberulous at first, gradually glabrous; stipules triangular-eared, borne on both sides of petiole base, 4-8 mm long, base 3-4 mm wide, persistent .

Flower morphology

Red or purplish red flowers, monoecious, 2-5 clusters in middle or lower branches of deciduous branches, or stem flowers, sometimes forming short cymes, inflorescences up to 15 mm; peduncles short and stout, with many Sepals lanceolate; bracts ca. 2 mm; male flowers: pedicels filiform, 3-5 mm long; bracts 6, 2 round, subequal, obovate, 2-3 mm long, 1.5 mm wide; disk Glands 6, opposite to sepals; stamens 3, filaments connate into short columnar; female flowers: pedicels ca. 2-3 mm; sepals identical to male ones; no discs; ovary subglobose, ca. 1 mm in diam., 3-celled Style 3, top 2-lobed. Flowering from February to October.


α- GPC is a water-soluble substance with two fatty acids removed from the main phospholipid PC (phosphatidylcholine) constituting the cell membrane.α- GPC is a water-soluble substance with two fatty acids removed from the main phospholipid PC (phosphatidylcholine) constituting the cell membrane.

Originally widely existing in organisms, it is one of the body components existing in human breast milk and body fluids. Research in the food industry shows that GPC can be obtained by removing fatty acids (deacyl) in the structure with PC in soybean lecithin as raw material. In the revision of food and drug classification in 2009 α- GPC (sn-glycerol-3-choline phosphate) is defined as food.

Purpose: brain health food. It is clinically used to prevent and treat atherosclerosis, fatty liver, neurasthenia and malnutrition. It can also be used as an additive for food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical excipients. It can be transformed into hemolytic lecithin by phospholipase a.

Prevent choline deficiency, increase neurotransmitters and promote the secretion of growth hormone. Although both eggs and eggs contain choline, it is confirmed that the uptake in the form of GPC is faster than the absorption through the portal system, and it is easier and more efficient to convert to choline. And GPC is one of the few five that can pass through the blood-brain barrier, so it can be quickly converted from choline to acetylcholine.

Alpha GPC Powder, 9-Fluorenol Powder, Phenibut Powder, Tianeptine Sodium Powder

Xi'an Tian Guangyuan Biotech Co., Ltd. ,