US research says that the old antihypertensive drug methyldopa can prevent type 1 diabetes

US research says that the old antihypertensive drug methyldopa can prevent type 1 diabetes

March 2, 2018 Source: China Circulation Author: Zhu Liuyuan

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American researchers have found that methyldopa, a widely used antihypertensive drug for more than 50 years in clinical practice, may help prevent type 1 diabetes and even prevent islet β-cell function impairment in patients with type 1 diabetes.

The researchers pointed out that more than 60% of patients with type 1 diabetes have immune proteins in their body. They initially identified a DQ8 allele based on the three-dimensional structure that can be used to prevent type 1 diabetes. They then screened more than 1,500 drugs approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for drugs similar in shape to the DQ8 allele, and eventually locked the antihypertensive drug, methyldopa.

In 20 newly diagnosed patients with type 1 diabetes, the team found that methyldopa can block the immune activity of the DQ8 allele and maintain disease progression.

Aaron Michels, one of the researchers, said, "This is the first study on individualized treatment for type 1 diabetes prevention. With methyldopa, we can prevent more than 60% of high-risk individuals with type 1 diabetes. This is a very meaningful one. Progress".

Lead researcher David A Ostrov said the technology used in the study could provide a reference for the development of new treatments for other autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosus.

The researchers revealed that the research team is planning a clinical trial to prevent type 1 diabetes with methyldopa.

Source: Ostrov DA, etal. Methyldopa blocks MHC class II binding to disease-specific antigens inautoimmune diabetes. J Clin Invest. Published online February 13, 2018.

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