US study found chronic fatigue syndrome related biomarkers
August 10, 2017 Source: Xinhua News Agency
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Researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that they analyzed blood samples from 192 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and 392 healthy people. The average age of these people was around 50 years old. The patient's symptoms lasted an average of more than 10 years.
The study found that some patients with moderate chronic fatigue syndrome have lower levels of immune system signaling proteins called cytokines than healthy people. However, these cytokines are elevated in patients with relatively severe symptoms. Among the 51 cytokines analyzed by the researchers, the concentration of 17 in the blood increased with the severity of chronic fatigue syndrome, and 13 of the 17 cytokines activated the inflammatory response.
The researchers pointed out that this study shows that inflammation is a factor in chronic fatigue syndrome, an inflammatory disease. This provides a reliable basis for developing blood diagnostic tools. The research results also help to improve the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, such as clinical trials using immunomodulatory drugs to treat chronic fatigue syndrome.
The concept of chronic fatigue syndrome was first formally proposed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 1987. According to the agency's explanation, in the absence of other diseases, the patient continues to fatigue for 6 months or more, accompanied by sore throat, lymph node pain, muscle soreness, new pain, inability to concentrate, energy can not be restored after sleep, etc. Four of the symptoms can be diagnosed as chronic fatigue syndrome. More than 1 million people in the United States suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, mostly female. (Reporter Ma Dan)
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