Mushroom soil fertilization can increase production

1. Mushrooming soup The mushrooms are washed in a concentrated manner after harvesting, processing and cutting of mushroom feet and crushed mushrooms, and the slices are cut into thin slices. 1.5 kilograms of water are added per kilogram of material, boiled for 15 minutes, and the filtered juice is diluted with water to 10 kilograms. Spray mushroom bed 30 square meters. When used at fruiting peaks, it can make fruit body hypertrophy and prolong the peak of mushrooming. 2. Apply cow dung to take fresh cow dung, boil until the foam disappears, add fresh water 7-fold to 8-fold dilution, spray once every 2 days to 3 days, to wet the bed surface is appropriate. If there are small mushrooms on the bed surface, spray it with clean water before spraying, which can promote the growth of small mushrooms. 3. Sneeze the wood ash with 25 kg of plant ash, add 50 kg of water soaked, filtered and sprayed to prevent mushroom redness. 4. Fertilizer fertilizer with 0. I% ~ 0.2% of the urea solution is sprayed every 2 days to 3 days. It is preferable to spray the wetted bed. In the middle and late fruiting fruiting body has the effect of thickening and thickening, can also be used superphosphate 0.5 kg water 15 kg dissolved after the filter juice, plus 50 grams of ammonium bicarbonate sprayed on the bed, can make mushroom body Hypertrophy, increase production 15% to 20%. 5. Salt spray 0.5 kg of salt, add 50 kg of water, spraying at the peak of the mushroom, can make the mushroom body white. 6. Spray soybean milk juice to take 2 kilograms of soybeans, add soft blisters, grind the pulp, add 80 kg of water after filtering the residue, and spray the mushroom bed 80 to 100 square meters, which can promote the growth of stout mushrooms and whiteness. 7. Spray one kilogram of glucose powder with glucose water and spray 100 kilograms of water. 8. Spray carrot juice, take carrot 10 kg chopped, add 15 kg water and boil for 15 minutes, filter juice, add water 40 times spray bed 300 square meters to 400 square meters, can increase mushroom production 10% -15%.

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