Nitriding treatment of drum gear coupling

The high-strength drum-shaped gear coupling is made from the material selection of the coupling, heat treatment process follow-up and precision manufacturing. Nitriding is used for the surface strength of the gear coupling. Precision manufacturing of drum-shaped gear couplings must first pay attention to the choice of coupling materials. For example, the material of heavy-duty GICL drum-shaped gear couplings should be 45# forgings according to the working conditions of the user equipment. 42CRMO forgings? Even for large gear couplings with GICL23 (outer diameter 1010) or more, cast steel can be selected, but the grades of cast steel and cast steel defects (pores, blisters, etc.) must be strictly guaranteed. After the drum-shaped gear coupling material is specifically determined, the corresponding heat treatment can be followed to effectively exert the due strength property of the coupling material. The heat treatment of the high-quality drum-shaped gear coupling is definitely not only the tooth surface quenching, because Tooth surface quenching only improves the hardness of the tooth surface, and the strength and fatigue strength of the parent of the gear coupling are the key factors related to the service life of the coupling. The nitriding treatment can improve the surface hardness of the integral gear coupling. And the hardness is much higher than the hardness of the high-frequency treatment of the tooth surface. However, in order to achieve the comprehensive effect of the high-strength coupling, it is necessary to follow the corresponding quenching and pre-treatment before the nitriding treatment, so that the coupling The strength of the parent body and the strength of the coupling surface are comprehensively improved. As a professional coupling manufacturer, Botou Yuze has professional technicians to deeply study the precision manufacturing of various couplings. In the drum gear coupling manufacturers , we are pursuing performance competition of cost performance.

Safety Belt Fittings

Safety belt fittings

Safety belt fittings

Shandong Binzhou Yong'an Labor Protection Factory ,