Snail stocking technology

1, living habits: snail likes to inhabit in the warm winter and cool summer, soft bottom sediment, rich food, fresh water, water, especially like to gather in the microfluidic place. Snails have omnivorous nature, like the ingestion of micro-organisms in water and young leaves and stems of aquatic plants. Snail likes to do night activities and eats well at night. 2. Site selection: The snail breeding site should be selected where there is sufficient water, good water quality, soil humus, and convenient transportation. It is best to have running water. The size of the snail pool is generally 1.5-1.6 meters wide and 10-15 meters long. It is also possible to build the pool in accordance with the terrain, and make it about 0.5 meters high around the pool. Both ends of the screw pool must be opened and closed to prevent water snails from escaping. At the same time, some aquatic plants such as white pebbles are thinly planted in the middle of aquaculture ponds, which can not only increase the land productivity, but also create a good ecological environment for snail growth. 3, stocking density: General stocking of 100-120 snails per square meter and nesting about 5 species of summer fish. Snail stocking time is generally 3-4 months. 4. Fertilization and feeding: Before releasing the snails, put some feces into the snail pool to cultivate plankton and provide food for snails. Fertilizer amount depending on the bottom of the screw pool fat and thin. After snails are put into the pool, they can be fed with green vegetables, rice bran, fish giblets or vegetable cakes, and bean cakes. The vegetables and fish viscera should be chopped and mixed with rice bran and other feeds. The cakes and bean cakes should be soaked and fed to facilitate the snail feeding. The feeding amount depends on the feeding condition of snails, which is generally calculated as 1-3% of the total weight of the snail, and is fed once every 2-3 days. The feeding time should be selected in the morning, the feeding position need not be fixed, and the feed should be placed separately. When the temperature is lower than 15°C or higher than 30°C, do not feed. 5, water quality regulation: First, the screw pool should often inject new water to regulate water quality, especially in the breeding season and high temperature season, it is best to keep the pool of water flowing. In spring and autumn, it is better to use microfluidic culture. The depth of screw pool should be maintained at about 0.3 meters. The second is to adjust the pH of the water so that the pH of the pool water is maintained between 7-8. When the PH value of the pool water is low, 0.15-0.18 kilograms of lime per square meter will be sprinkled once every 10-15 days.


Lysine Hydrochloride,L-Lysine Feed Additives,Animal Feed

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