"Stem Cell Vaccine" fights cancer

"Stem Cell Vaccine" fights cancer

March 02, 2018 Source: Xinhuanet

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According to the latest published research results, American scientists have used induced pluripotent stem cells to make vaccines, which have enabled the experimental mouse immune system to recognize cancer cells. This is expected to lead to new ways to prevent, treat and prevent cancer recurrence.

Induced pluripotent stem cells are obtained by "reprogramming" mature cells, and have the potential to differentiate into a variety of cells like embryonic stem cells. As a "rebellious" cell, cancer cells get rid of the normal control system, madly and infinitely proliferate, and the immune system usually cannot recognize them.

Cancer cells and stem cells have something in common, such as being in an undifferentiated state and similar growth patterns. Stanford University's research team found through detailed comparison that some of the genes in the two types of cells are expressed in a very similar way, meaning that the cell surface may be inlaid with the same protein and can be used as a target for immune system recognition.

The researchers used experimental mouse somatic cells to produce induced pluripotent stem cells, added an auxiliary substance that stimulates the immune system, and injected them back into the experimental mice. Stem cells are irradiated before injection and lose their proliferative capacity, so they do not develop into tumors, just as inactivated viruses commonly used in ordinary vaccines do not cause disease.

After weekly, 4 weeks of stem cell injection, the researchers transplanted different types of cancer cells into the mice. The results showed that the immunized rats all showed different degrees of cancer resistance, and some of the rats completely inhibited tumor growth. The tumors of the unimmunized experimental mice rapidly expanded after receiving cancer cell transplantation.

The researchers extracted immune T cells from immunized experimental mice, injected them into unimmunized experimental mice, and also received tumor suppressing effects. This shows that the immune system has learned to recognize surface proteins common to stem cells and cancer cells.

The research was published in the new issue of Cell-Stem Cell. The Stanford University research team said that if further research proves that this result is applicable to humans, it is expected to bring new methods to prevent, treat and prevent cancer recurrence.

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