The mechanism of tumor microenvironment regulating immune cell function was revealed

The mechanism of tumor microenvironment regulating immune cell function was revealed

December 11, 2018 Source: Chinese Journal of Science

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According to the research team of Xinhua News Agency Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the mutual regulation mechanism of tumor cells and immune cells in the tumor microenvironment was revealed. The Journal of Clinical Research recently published the results online.

In recent years, with the clinical success of tumor immunotherapy, especially Car-T cell immunotherapy technology and immune node therapy, it is of great basic research significance to study the regulation mechanism of tumor microenvironment on immune cell function.

In the mouse model, the subcutaneously transplanted tumor cells grew faster in mice, and the tail vein-injected lung adenocarcinoma cells migrated to the lungs in small nodules. There is a marked increase in the number of rats, an increase in blood vessels, and an increase in macrophage polarization to promote tumor phenotype.

Yang Xiangping team and the Department of Pathology Wang Guoping team found that in human clinical lung adenocarcinoma patients, tumor cells can regulate the expression of macrophage vesicle hydrolase through their metabolites, thus making tumor-associated macrophages in the tumor microenvironment. The middle of programming is recombined into immune cells that promote tumor growth.

The study also found that the expression of vesicular hydrolase can be an important prognostic marker for lung adenocarcinoma, so it has important clinical significance.

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