Chinese and Australian scientists reveal how traditional Chinese medicine Kushen injection kills cancer cells?

Chinese and Australian scientists reveal how traditional Chinese medicine Kushen injection kills cancer cells?

September 12, 2016 Source: Bio Valley

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Recently, a research report published in the international magazine Oncotarget , researchers from the University of Adelaide revealed through research that how a complex mixture of plants derived from traditional Chinese medicine can effectively kill cancer cells. In China, Kushen Injection (CKI) is approved for the treatment of a variety of cancers, and it is often used as an adjuvant to Western chemotherapy, but researchers are not aware of its mechanism of action.

In this study, researchers first studied the molecular effects of this traditional Chinese medicine. Professor David Adelson, a researcher at the China-Australia Center for Molecular Medicine Research in Zhendong, pointed out that many traditional Chinese medicines have experienced hundreds or It has been used for thousands of years, and there is a lot of evidence that these Chinese medicines have certain therapeutic benefits, but the researchers are not clear about the mechanism and causes of these Chinese medicines. If researchers can break these traditional Chinese medicines and test their components, they may find that a single compound is not actually active, but these compounds combine to show great effectiveness, but at the same time Produce potential side effects.

This is the first study to reveal the molecular mode of action of complex compounds based on plants extracted from the roots of two medical herbs: Sophora flavescens and C. chinensis. Researchers use systems biology to process these compounds. Research, this analysis method, by analyzing complex biological systems, can take into account all the objects in the system, rather than just focusing on one change.

The Zhendong Sino-Australian Center for Molecular Chinese Medicine was established in 2012 by Shanxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanxi Zhendong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and the University of Adelaide, Australia. The researchers established the center to explore the mechanism by which traditional Chinese medicines work, and How to use traditional Chinese medicine and Western therapy to combine to better treat diseases. In the study of breast cancer cells cultured in the laboratory, the researchers used a new generation of high-throughput sequencing technology to identify multiple genes and biological pathways for CKI targeting. The researchers pointed out that we found that by CKI targets The pattern of expression of the acting gene can affect the same pathways as Western chemotherapy. These genes can regulate cell division and death, and CKI can also change the cell cycle pathway to promote cancer cell death and kill cancer cells.

Finally, researcher Adelson said that this new technology could be used to analyze the molecular mechanisms of other traditional Chinese medicines in the future, thus opening up new avenues for its application in Western medicine.




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