Successful anti-cancer immunotherapy drugs can prolong patient life

Successful anti-cancer immunotherapy drugs can prolong patient life

October 18, 2016 Source: China Economic Net

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Recently, scientists have developed a drug that can effectively kill malignant pancreatic cancer without accompanying obvious side effects. Since pancreatic cancer will actively escape the identification of the immune system in the natural state, the emergence of this drug is of great significance for the treatment of this type of tumor.

The drug is called "IMM-101", which awakens the body's immune system to kill tumors. Since pancreatic cancer will actively escape the identification of the immune system in the natural state, the emergence of this drug is of great significance for the treatment of this type of tumor.

Researchers from the University of London in the United Kingdom have found that they can effectively kill peripheral cells of pancreatic cancer cells and prolong the lifespan of patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer by combining IMM-101 with the existing chemotherapy drug gemcitabine.

“This is very exciting for me,” said lead researcher AngusDalgleish. “This is the first time we have found an immunotherapy that can help control pancreatic cancer.”

Patients receiving this immunotherapeutic treatment indicated that they were more comfortable than traditional chemotherapy. Moreover, the results of the study indicate that the therapy has no obvious side effects.

Although the results of the early studies are very gratifying, this does not mean that the drug has the ability to cure pancreatic cancer. Moreover, since the experiment included only 110 patients, it was also necessary to increase the number of samples to obtain more reliable results.

Dalgleish has been studying IMM-101 for a long time. Previously, it has shown that it has a certain therapeutic effect on skin cancer and lung cancer. However, in view of the long-standing refractory phenomenon of pancreatic cancer, the recent research has more significance.

Researchers are currently planning to conduct further research on a larger scale to fully validate the results obtained before.

The current lifespan of patients with advanced pancreatic cancer is extremely short, no more than 18% of patients can persist for more than one year, and patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer have a more limited life span. According to the survey, the average life expectancy of patients with pancreatic cancer worldwide is only 2.7-5.8 months.

I hope that the emergence of IMM-101 can help alleviate this dilemma.

Editor's Note:

From the results of various studies in recent years, we can see that although scientists have not yet found a way to completely overcome cancer. However, everyone has concentrated on the same road: using the body's own immune system, attacking tumors and treating cancer.

Therefore, we can foresee that if there is a cure for tumors and other ills in the future, it is inevitable that scientists can completely manipulate the immune cells in the human body, making them an "obedient" army and destroying invading cancer cells.

Now, there are many malignant diseases that can be improved and cured by immunotherapy.

It is very important that the patient's immune system is strong during immunotherapy.

Therefore, when you are healthy, storing your own immune cells is equivalent to licking one of the strongest immune forces.

This army may be the only way to prolong life when people face cancer and other diseases.

Of course, cancer is a disease with a low prevalence.

But no one wants to have any relationship with it.

Therefore, we can still use the stored immune cells to carry out the return, which can achieve anti-aging and enhance immunity, so that cancer is farther away from us.

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