The main pest control technology of onion

1, purple spot: Acetyl select 75% chlorothalonil 600 times or 64% antiviral 500 times spray; can also be used 25% Rhizoctonia or 65% mancozeb 600 times spray control. Spray once every 10-15 days and spray 3-5 times.

2. Rust disease: Use 15% triadimefon 1500-2000 times spray for prevention and treatment, spray once every 10-15 days, spray 3-5 times.

3, onion thrips: Acetate selected 5% acetamiprid 200 times continuous control 2-3 times, while taking the blue board seduce, acres of use of the blue board 20-25, the blue board to be higher than the onion 20-25 cm The insecticidal effect is very good.

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