"Five Standards" for High Yield of Greenhouse Cucumber

A look at the "leading": after planting and easing seedlings, the "leading" should grow fat, there are more than 2 unfolded young leaves wrapped, bright green, furry developed. If the "head" is thin, it may be related to poor root development and relative low temperature.

Secondly, look at the leaves: If the color of the leaf veins of the first display is faded and the top young leaves are yellowish green, it is the performance that the night temperature is low and the daylight is insufficient. Foliage is dark green and lacks luster, indicating low air humidity, excessive fertilization and insufficient water. The petiole is long, the leaf body is large, the leaf color is light, and the angle is large as a result of high temperature and high humidity.

Three to see the stem vines: normal stem growth sturdy, ribbed, furry, uniform thickness up and down. If the near-top tender stems become sharply thin, it is caused by excessive nighttime temperatures.

Four tendrils: The angle of 45 degrees between the tendrils and the stems is normal. If the tendrils hang down, it indicates that the temperature is too high or there is water shortage. If the tendrils are upright and the top is curled, it indicates that the night temperature is low. The tendrils are short or circular and are a sign of aging.

Five look at female flowers: Flowering period is generally about 15 days in the seedlings (4 leaves and 1 heart). There should be 5 to 6 leaves above the open female flower festival. The female flowers have large corolla and bright yellow color. The flower buds are wide and green, and the ovary is relatively large. Near the pedicel slightly enlarged, dark green color, pedicel thickness of 0.2 cm or more, when the ovary drooping flowering.

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