Poor soil permeability can easily lead to root rot in fruit trees. How to properly improve soil permeability, put forward the following suggestions:
First, do not flood the irrigation process in orchards: flood irrigation is a major cause of poor soil air permeability. The correct irrigation method should be furrow irrigation, which is done by digging a trench 15-20 cm deep along the side of the tree. This method not only saves water, has low investment, but also has good irrigation effect because it directly pours water to 20 cm. The following root absorption regions of fruit trees will not cause the death of roots due to hypoxia. The deaths of peach, cherry, and kiwi trees are related to unreasonable irrigation patterns. Remind the majority of farmers that the purpose of irrigation is to water the roots instead of pouring them.
Second, the more droughty season, farmers should pay more attention to the cultivation of orchards: to break the state of soil compaction and improve the permeability of soil, in the cultivation process, the capillary roots of fruit trees are cut off and have a certain effect on the soil, because of this It can reduce the evaporation of moisture on the ground.
Third, pay attention to the autumn orchard drainage: Poor soil permeability and the orchard's water has a lot to do, many farmers do not enter the ground in the rain, wait until the rain stopped in the ground, the roots are often soaked for a long time, has breathed Poor and other issues. However, this problem can also be solved if gully irrigation is used at the time of irrigation and the gully drainage from the orchard is used.
Fourth, we must pay attention to the use of organic fertilizer, fungus: fertilization can increase soil fertility and enhance soil activity, so that a variety of elements in the soil is released. After the activity of soil microorganisms, the structure of the soil will change, the soil will become loose, and once the soil is loosened, the ability to retain water and maintain fertilizer will follow.
Puyang Linshi Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. , https://www.linshimedical.com